Monday, December 15, 2008

Returning Student With Lupus

Well, I just finished the fall semester of online classes. It has been a long road but nice adventure this semester. My classes were not hard at all. At the beginning it was a little difficult but I made it. I didn't think that I would be as successful during the fall semester because of my diagnoses with Lupus(SLE) but God has given me so much strength and the ability to do it. I enjoyed the homework, classmates, and most of all, having discussions with the professor and students. I am proud of myself and I hope that the next semester will be as easy as this one.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I am currently in college trying to finish my business administration degree. Three years ago I was in college and had to stop because I became ill. Now, I am back on track. I am currently taking all of my classes online. Four classes is enough for me. My health is fine and I am doing well. I give God all the thanks and praise.


I haven't had any complaints on today. The Lupus is not active and I am feeling great. I have taken myself off of two midications and it was approved by my Dr. I felt that I didn't need them because the lupus is under control. I know with God's healing power and my faith in him all things are possible if I continue to believe in him.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I see that everyday I walk in victory with Lupus. I try to stay positive everyday no matter what I face and how I am feeling. God has placed peace and contentment in my heart in the midst of all that I face. Challenges come and go. Nothing can stop me from accomplishing what I need to accomplish each day with Lupus. Actually, I don't broadcast that I have the illness. I confess each and everyday that I am healed by Jesus stripes. I believe that the power of life and death is in the tongue. It amazes me how much power the tongue has. God gives me hope in the midst of every trial and situation that I face.


Three years ago I had experienced some awful symptoms in my body. I got to the point where I couldn't walk and I had lost 50 pounds. In the mid summer of 2005 I noticed that I was getting sicker and sicker. I couldn't eat anything but ensure, and even that I was getting sicker. One night I had to call my brother at 3:00 a.m. I was in so much pain that I couldn't move from one side of the bed to the other side. It freaked me out. After I called my brother he came from NY to Georgia to see about me. Once he got there he started making preparation to get me to NY to be taken care of and to be seen by a Dr. Before my brother left Georgia he dropped me of at the airport and there I was on my way to NY.

After arriving at the hospital I was told that I had to be admitted. While in the hospital I had so many things wrong with me. They took blood everyday around the clock. I was getting a little frustrated with that. I had so many family members and friends to come to see me and to keep me company. Oh, I can’t forget that I had many of them praying for me. About two weeks after my visit to the hospital and after so many complications I was diagnosed. I had pneumonia, protein in my urine, high blood pressure, fluid around my heart, a temperature, tongue has swelled , weak muscles, and being strolled in a wheelchair because I couldn’t walk. I was told I needed a kidney biopsy but was recommended not to because I would bleed to death. After a few weeks I was diagnosed with Lupus (SLE).
After being diagnosed and had returned home, I had to follow up with the nephrologists, cardiologist, physical therapist, rheumatologist, hematologist, and my regular primary care physician. I had to follow up with my Dr's so that proper treatment can be administered to me. I was placed on prednisone, cellcept and other medications. Now the Lupus is inactive and I am doing fine. It is a miracle that I am still alive and that I am doing well. I would say that 90% of my health has been restored. The other 10% I leave up to God. He started the healing process and he can finish. God is the author and the finisher of my faith.